With our many years of experience as Business Analysts, we wanted to give something back to the wider BA community.

A wonderful community that in so many different ways has helped each of us grow and succeed in our chosen careers. BA Life is our way of saying thank you.

It would be an understatement to say we have a great enthusiasm for Business Analysis and all it can offer ...and it was this shared passion that brought our merry band of BAs together. 

Below is a quick introduction to each of us, your BA Life team, and what we do (hint: we're all BAs!)...

LINDA PARKER | Our 'leader' 

Your BA Life Team ...our opportunity to give something back

With over 30 years of experience as a Business Analyst, across a variety of organisations both commercial and public sector, Linda is the perfect person to have at the BA Life helm ...particularly, given she was the European Business Analyst of the Year in 2019.

Currently, as a contractor, Linda works at the Scottish Government and when she isn't busy working on BA Life she mentors other BAs, runs half-marathons and has fun with her hubby and two dogs.

With a successful career as a Business Analyst of over 20 years, Julia sees herself as a trusted pair of hands who lives life to her own high standards and will persist long after others have given up.

When she's not spending precious time with her husband, two sons (at university) or two cats, she can be found listening to BA podcasts, volunteering for IIBAUK Board, participating in IIBAUK’s Mentoring programme and of course, busying away with BA Life!

"BA Life is a way for me to give back. I have had the privilege of a wonderful career in Business Analysis, a profession I truly LOVE! So having the opportunity to enthuse and inspire other BAs to develop their skills and push the boundaries of Business Analysis and all it can offer... well, it's a labour of love."

JULIA NEWELL | The 'grand organiser'

“I jumped at the chance to be a founding member of BA Life and be part of its evolution – it’s wonderful to give something back to the BA community and inspire others on their  journey, while I learn new skills and make new BA contacts at the same time!”


David has been working as a Business Analyst for over 25 years across a broad range of industries. His experience has been gained in companies ranging from start-ups to FTSE 100 organisations. Currently David works for The Phoenix Group as a Lead Business Analyst.

As well as working on BA Life, he is Chair of IIBA Scotland and, born from his work within his family chutney business, a Director for East Lothian Food and Drink, a regional food group.

“I love working as a Business Analyst, it’s a career where you never stop learning. Being able to indulge my lifelong learning ambition creating of a conference that inspires others in our profession to expand their skills is a fantastic opportunity.” 

THE 'BA LIFERS' | Our fantastic team of volunteers

We are blessed to a have wonderful team of volunteers who continue to amaze us with the amount of time and effort they give to BA Life. A big thank you to Ben Warr, Theresa Forbes, Kenny Jessop, Katie Russell, Sean Murphy and Megan Natta for all your time and effort - YOU ARE AMAZING!